His average income is ten pounds a week. 他的平均收入为一星期10英镑。
The average income of Chinese farmers is about one fourth that of the urban residents earn. 我国农民的平均月收入只有城市居民的四分之一左右。
And the average income of villagers has increased steadily as the factory develops. 随着工厂的发展,村民的平均收入也得到逐步提高。
Meanwhile the average income for citizens is about$ 2 a day. 与此同时,赤道几内亚国民的平均收入为每日2美元左右。
Average income in the system remains the same, it even went up a little bit. 我们的数据显示系统中的平均收入其实更高了。
The average income in New England is below that of the nation; of average height for his age; the mean annual rainfall. 新英格兰的平均收入低于这个民族的;是他这个年龄的平均身高;平均年降雨量。
Thus, each person produces less and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population. 这样人均产量较低,也就意味着与较少量人口所能获得的相比,大量人口的人均收入也较低。
Effect of fewer birth on average income 低出生率对平均收入的影响
In 1980 Africans had an average income per head almost four times bigger than the Chinese. 1980年,非洲人均收入比中国高出近四倍。
The conclusion shows that the average years of schooling of household laborers significantly increase the farmers average income per capita; 结论表明,家庭劳动力平均受教育年限显著增加农民人均纯收入;
In most countries such jobs are overpaid in relation to the average income. 在多数国家里,这类工作的报酬与平均收入相比过高。
Mr Bixby was a dentist who made an average income. 比克斯比先生是个收入平平的牙医。
Yes, I know – that is the average income of our people! 没错,我知道&那可是我国国民的年均收入啊!
Some firms have adopted "differential pricing" schemes that use formulas, based on average income per head, to set lower prices in poor countries. 一些公司已经在采用依据人均收入区别定价的方法向贫穷国家提供价格较低的药品。
At a national level, average housing prices tripled between 2003 and the peak in mid-2008 and are now 10-12 times the average income, Mr Cao said. 曹建海表示,就全国而言,平均房价在2003年和2008年中达到顶峰的期间增长了两倍,目前是人均收入的10至12倍。
An Indian study calculated that the total cost per epilepsy case was US$ 344 per year ( or88% of the average income per capita). 根据印度一项研究所作出的测算,每位癫痫病例每年所花费的总费用为344美元(或者为人均收入的88%)。
Finally, economists analyze forces and trends that affect the economy as a whole, including the growth in average income, the fraction of the population that cannot find work, and the rate at which prices are rising. 最后,经济学家分析会影响经济全局的力量和趋势,包括平均收入的增长,找不到工作的人占全部人口的比例,还有物价的上涨速度。
And once average income exceeds about$ 20000 per head, more money does not guarantee greater happiness. 而且,一旦人均收入超过大约2万美元,更多的钱并不能保证更多的幸福。
Today, average income per head in the11 former Confederate states has almost caught up; 今天,曾经是南部邦联州的11个州,其人均收入平均水平现在几乎已赶上来了;
Some states have now moved to making pensions dependent on average income over several years. 如今,某些州已经转而通过数年的平均收入来确定养老金。
"The low average income also means that it is hard to get an education and to become a scientist," he says. “平均收入低也意味着很难获得教育并成为一名科学家。”他说。
South Korea is generally defined as an emerging market, thanks to past growth and future prospects, but in purchasing power terms it has a higher average income than either Spain or Italy. 由于过往的增长记录和未来前景,韩国通常被定义为一个新兴国家,但按购买力平价计算,该国的人均收入比西班牙或意大利都要高。
Nevertheless, among the richer nations, increases in average income contribute little to well-being. 然而,在富有国家,平均收入的增加并不能明显地增强幸福感。
Average income tax, the primary levy in the territory, is 17 per cent. 香港主要税种所得税的平均税率为17%。